Revealed The Truth On How To Plant A Bonsai Tree
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How to plant a Bonsai tree.
It's a good idea, especially if you are just entering into the world of Bonsai to attempt to grow your own plant rather than buy an already established one from a specialist or garden centre. The thinking behind this is that you will learn this fascinating hobby in real-time and experiment on your plant as you go along, and without the worry of making costly mistakes. If you were to buy an already matured Bonsai without having the expertise or knowledge to care for it, then you maybe asking for trouble.
A Bonsai plant is exactly the same as any other plant growing in its natural habitat, with one big exception. The careful pruning or both roots and branches ensures a Bonsai remains in a miniature state.
With this in mind its time to think about what type of Bonsai plant you would like to grow. Notoriously good trees to consider are Maples, Hawthorns, Pines and possibly Fruit trees. Ideally you are looking for a slow growing plant that has relatively small leaves.
Now you have decided on your future tree its time to plant the seed or sapling that will hopefully be the start of your Bonsai. Remember most plants; especially trees prefer to live outside, and in an environment closely matching their natural habitat. Therefore, its a good idea to plant your Bonsai in the garden to give it the best chance to grow.
Ensure the soil is free draining and never let your young Bonsai dry out or become over watered. Ideally you should be watering everyday and just enough that the soil is constantly moist.
Obviously it will depend on what time of the year you plant your tree. Spring is the best time as the warmer months will cause the seed or sapling to burst into life. During autumn and the winter months your tree is likely to remain dormant, so don't expect too much to happen during this period.
Hopefully by now your Bonsai plant should be actively growing. If so, its time to think about transferring it into a Bonsai pot, tray or container. Choosing the right type of Bonsai pot is an article in itself, but as general rule, a Bonsai pot should complement your tree without stealing attention away from the Bonsai. Choose a pot neutral in colour and just the right size to easily accommodate the tree. Also, ensure the Bonsai pot has adequate holes in the base to allow for drainage.
You need to use good potting compost with a mixture of grit or sand to further help drainage. Also, before potting your tree its advisable to check the root system. If there is a long tap root originating from the root ball its probably best to snip it off before placing your Bonsai tree in the pot.
For more information on Bonsai plant care why not visit us today at for the very best Bonsai technique help and advice.
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