Fancy Growing A Bonsai Tree? Discover Top Tips On How To Grow And Care For A Bonsai Tree
You Can Instantly Become The Expert Bonsai Gardner
>> Click Here To Know HOW You Can Grow Your Own Bonsai Tree
If like me you have always liked the idea of growing your own Bonsai tree, but thought it was either too expensive, difficult or maybe practically impossible to grow a beautiful miniature tree, then I have some good news that may just change your mind.
Firstly, don't let anybody tell you that attempting to grow a Bonsai tree is difficult. It simply isn't true. However, if you are thinking about starting this fascinating and rewarding hobby there are a few things you need to be aware of.
Let's clear one thing up right from the start... A Bonsai tree is no different to any other tree you see growing in its natural habitat, and they are certainly not a special hybrid species that are formed miniature by nature.
Nope, a Bonsai tree is just like any other tree with the exception that its growth is being controlled by pruning both its branches and root system. It's this controlled haircut if you like that makes a Bonsai tree miniature, and therefore such an fascinating hobby that's enjoyed by millions throughout the world.
If you are just starting out, I suggest you attempt to grow your own Bonsai tree rather than purchase one from a garden centre. These can often be very expensive and have been deliberately "brought on" to appear mature and well established.
In my opinion starting from scratch is your best bet, so be on the lookout for a young sapling from a tree you would like to grow as a Bonsai. A good choice when starting out is to a tree with small leaves. Something like a Hawthorn which is also slow growing can make an excellent Bonsai tree.
Initially avoid larger trees, especially ones with big leaves. Although these can make great Bonsai's it's probably best to start off with something more manageable and more suited to its natural environment.
You should plant your sapling outside in the soil until you're confident the sapling is comfortable and established in its new surroundings. You shouldn't think about moving your tree inside as this can cause distrastagoures effects.
Next you need to think about transferring your sapling to a pot or container. It's important too choose the most suitable pot as your Bonsai will be spending most of its life housed in it.
Once potted up you need to keep your Bonsai tree well watered. You should never let your tree dry out, or become waterlogged. Instead make sure the soil is well draining and moist at all times...
If you are serious about growing a Bonsai tree you need to visit for essiential help and advice on growing Bonsai trees, including Bonsai tree care and top tips on pruning a Bonsai tree
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